Saturn rings information

Natural color view of the outer rings C and B. Photo NASA.

Saturn's Rings
Name Radius inner* Radius outer* width-km Type
D 67,000 74,500 7,500 ring
Guerin Division
C 74,500 92,000 17,500 ring
Maxwell Division 87,500 88,000 500 division
B 92,000 117,500 25,500 ring
Cassini Division 115,800 120,600 4,800 division
Huygens Gap 117,680 (n/a) 285-440 subdivision
A 122,200 136,800 14,600 ring
Encke minimum 126,430 129,940 3,500
Encke division 133,580 133,910 330 division
F 140,210 30-500 ring
G 165,800 173,800 8,000 ring
E 180,000 480,000 300,000 ring
*Distance is kilometers from Saturn's center


Anillos de Saturno

Amazing panoramic view of Saturn and its rings illuminated by the Sun behind. Mosaic made with Cassini pictures taken on 19 July 2013. The picture also includes seven Saturn moons and Venus, Mars and our planet Earth at background. Click on picture to enlarge it and see the objects included.
Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute